You Need This V10 1 Series

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V10 1 Series

The BMW 1M is one of the most coveted newer BMWs out there. The platform was amazingly light, had plenty of horsepower, and was a favorite with collectors, almost immediately, due to the rest of the BMW lineup getting increasingly fat and heavy. The 1M was the answer to so many of BMW’s problems. Well, it used to be, because the little BMW 1-Series in the video below is exactly 10-times better than the 1M.

Why, because it has an E60 M5 V10 strapped to the front of its chassis. That’s right, the fire snorting almighty E60 V10 motor out of the M5 was somehow shoehorned into the little hatchback. Along with the new engine in the little BMW comes a new set of wheels, a new exhaust, and to make sure everyone knows what’s hiding under the hood, a set of V10 badges from what appears to be an Audi R8.

It’s just the bees knees. Seriously, this is the perfect car. Tail-happy, V10, and big enough to fit you, your significant other, and a couple of dogs. That’s all you really need in life isn’t it?

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Via [cvdzijden]

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