“Fastest Taxi Driver in the World”

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“It’s a good job,” says Sabine Schmitz, without a hint of understatement. In case you’ve been on Mars for the last twenty years and returned this morning, Ms. Schmitz is employed as the Nurburgring’s “taxi” driver and ferries people around the ‘Ring in a BMW M5. In the video, she discusses growing up in her mother’s hotel located in the town of Nurburg (next to the Nurburg-Ring, get it?) where F1 stars used to stay, and how regardless of the sport, she always wanted to be fast.

She certainly got her start early, taking her mothers car on the vaunted ‘Ring before she’d even gotten her driver’s license. She also talks about the M5 and how it feels like home to her; she gets in and the M5 becomes an extension of her. Check out the video and let us know how jealous you are…

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