How to Fix a new BMW’s Exhaust Note

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BMW M5 Exhaust Measurement (F10)

The previous-generations M5 and M3 are beloved by some and hated by others. However, no matter what your views on the cars, the exhaust notes that emanate from the E60 M5 V10 and E9* M3 V8 are absolutely spectacular … something that cannot be said about their successors.

Each of the new cars’ turbocharged engines are far too quiet for most enthusiasts, thus excluding a key element of the sports-car-ownership experience: noise — glorious noise. Thankfully, the aftermarket has been working on solutions to overcome this problem.

This is iPE’s F10 M5 performance exhaust, and in the very short clip, we finally get an exhaust note worthy of the M5 nameplate. The full system includes a remote to select the position setting at which you desire the exhaust to be: open, closed, or “auto”. Each setting gives the M5 a unique vocal note and allows the car to go from tame to wild with just the click of a button.


While this would make a wonderful addition to your M5, the system does cost $9,000. That’s quite a bit for an exhaust. On the other hand, it does help make the car. Now all they need to do is bring out a version for the M3/M4, and everything I have a problem with will be solved.

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