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Old 07-04-2008 | 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by ImSort0fABigDeal' post='606699' date='Jun 20 2008, 12:13 PM
that is what i was gonna say too.
quick mod 4 ur body :-)

but keep up the training bro u will lose it in due time.
3 weeks isn't enough to see actual results.
Old 07-23-2008 | 10:10 PM
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I would like to thank everyone that helped me out, lossed a good 15 pounds. Still few pounds away from my goal. Even tho I haven't lost much I feel like I have more drive and energy. Still on the GI Diet, Doesn't really feel like a diet to me but that's good in a way. Still haven't stopped taking the supplements tho, (Hydroxycut Hardcore). Once again, THANKS EVERYONE! I'll update as soon as I reach my goal
Old 07-24-2008 | 08:42 AM
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i want to share with u small story i know it doesnt happen alot but i used hayroxy cut hardcore only 3 times and i was on diet and i took it and went to gym for weight lifthing and after like an hour or something from heavy training i felt my heart hurts me and when i told my friend that there is something wrong with me and i need to rest they thought that i'm being lazy so when i just walked outside the gym i felt on the ground and my heart was hurting me so much i felt with evry single beat, pain so so i went to a hospital to check my blood pressure it was very high it wass 100\150 , and it kept going down but slowly and my blood pressure was high for 3 or 4 days, then every thing was again thank god, from what i have seen that, those supplements are not for weight lifting its only for cardio and running and exercise that keeps blood circulating all around body reguarly and without much effort on ur heart muscle, anyways i stopped taking these supplments and i went to the gym later so i was kind of dizzy while practing for first week after that i'm normal now everything is fine and i decided to go on gym with and take it the hard way , coz easy come easy go, right starting from next sunday i will go to gym again and exercise coz i got long term plan hope it works and tc guys from supplments and these stuff i think u can do it withut anything
Old 07-24-2008 | 10:40 AM
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Thought I'd throw in my input on this... I've been lifting for about 5 years, have always been extremely skinny (6 feet tall, 145-150 lbs) I am now up to 170 and still keep my body fat under 8-10%. A month back after reading countless good posts on the www.bodybuilding.com forums that typically SLAM anything that's advertised on TV for fitness, I purchased the P90X workout routines. I consider myself in good shape and with decent endurance. This thing KICKS MY A$$. It's amazing. I've had to stop from soreness and plan on starting over next week but it's VERY intense, focuses a ton on variation and core exercises, ONLY uses free weights which maximizes muscle gains compared to machine equipment and keeps your muscles guessing. It's really an awesome workout. I paid a little over $100 for it and it has 10 unique workouts in written form and dvd form. I typically just watch the DVD at home, make notes, then hit the gym. It has good cardio workouts you can do from home on days you don't wanna hit the gym too. I'd reccommend it to anyone looking to realy push themselves beyond the routine workouts they've been doing in the past. My only advice is to go VERY easy on the plyometrics as I've had issues with my knees swelling ever since. I think their site is p90x.com
Old 07-24-2008 | 10:43 AM
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PS - I don't want to open this can of worms on dieting but protein is a myth. YOU DON'T NEED EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS of protein to put on muscle. The average human only needs 2.5-8% of their calories to be protein-based. All this crap about having 1.5-2g of protein per lb of body weight is a bunch of crap and just propoganda for companies to sell their supplements. If anyone wants to really get into it with me let me know as I have endless studies and articles done showing this to be the case
Old 07-26-2008 | 03:07 AM
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From: steroids for sale => nkristan@indo.net.id
My Ride: FOR SALE !! Sustanon sustenon deca durabolin nandrolone mix NE3 dianabol anabol naposim anadrol anapolon clomid durabol clomiphene citrate Gonadotropina HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hGH Human Growth Hormone somatropin saizen jintropin caffeine gensci igtropin orgabolin andriol testosterone undecanoate proviron norma deca cytadren PGCL Nebido Aminoglutethimidum Oxafort Maxigan Novartis Equigan Ultragan Oxandrovet Aminoglutethimide methandrostenlone Orimeten Percocet Endocet primobolan methenolone acetate winstrol azolol stanozolol ILIUM cetabon Ampavit Stanosus Stanazolic Zambon Estano pets Metenol QV schering decabol stanabol stanol body research LA Pharma Oxydrol stanoject bacteriostatic water nolvadex tamoxifen citrate Hubei Huangshi Nanshang Salbutol Albuterol Salbuterol Sulphate diazepam Arimidex anastrozole parabolan clenbuterol spiropent Suprimo norma hellas Jurox Lab Anabolic DN Anabol Thyroid – T3 liothyronine sodium cytomel T4 Levothyroxine Sodium thyrax Testabol Depot methyltestosterone ephedrine HCL EPO Erythropoietin Epogen Epotrex Repoxygen laurato denandrolona Eprex syringes needles Terumo Merck Frosst Boldenon Equipoise Humatrope Lilly Intervet Laudrol Pfizer EC Labs Latvia Isotretinoin boldabol boldenone undecylenate Loefler Vardenafil super test Norvet Lab duramine Methadone sildenafil citrate tadalafil Cortisone Acetate drostanolone propionate Mastabol Drostanozol Masterbolan Immunoglobulin Gammaglobulin decaject denkadiol dipropionate methandriol british dragon british dispensary Methyl 1-testosterone M1T IGF-1 Adipex organon decanandrolen Andractim Androstanolone DNP 2,4- Dinitrophenol prostin f2 Lutalyse dinoprost PGF2 prostaglandin F2 Testabol Propionate Adderall Viagra Cialis OBH12 Dobetin Liv 52 B12 cyanocobalamin Aranesp Amgen Metformin Darbepoetin Alfa Albumin Laurabolin MDMA Tulip ANABOLIC TS ANABOLIC TL ANABOLIC ST ANABOLIC BD roxanol Morphine Sulfate methadose GHB gamma hydroxybutyrate usnic acid sodium usniate Soma Watson Kynoselen Turanabol Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone Agovirin Depot methandienone Carisoprodol GennaPharm Brick Methylphenidate Concerta Ritalin Methyldienolone finaplix testogel DUPROST Dutasteride Avodart HCA hydroxy citric acid carnitor/Levocarnitine injection aspirin insulin humulin lilly xenical glucophage metformin teslac Testolactone cypionate propionate anavar oxandrolone bonavar oxanabol meridia Roche accutane norandren brovel lab nandrolona Tornel Lab averbol Reforvit B Oxymetholone androlic bonalone masteron test enanthate Testoviron Depot Androtardyl omnadren jelfa metil test aquatest testosterone suspension Anabrol Denkall Oximethalona Kanestron NANDRALONE CYPIONATE Acetrembo Nubain nalbuphine laurabolin reductil proscar finasteride Finaplix trinabol trenbolone acetate trenbolone enanthate THG Tetrahydrogestrinone trenabol provigil Modafinil modiodal alertec modalert Oxycontin Oxycodone Stadol NS Polycitra-K Ambien zolpidem Dornicum Norco Phentermine Alprazolam Xanax Klonopin Clonazepam Loratabs Loratadine ROHYPNOL codein Flunitrazepam Parlodel Bromocriptine mesylate Condylox Ketotifin Super Clen Dalmane flurazepam valium Codein Phosphate oxycodone hydrocodone lortab lorcet norco vicodin Tamiflu Oseltamivir levitra Rivotril Clonazopam Klonipin Calcort Methenolone Enanthate Deflazacort midazolam Ketamine Anastrozole HYDROCORTISONE Solcoseryl Sorbitol Actovegin Haemodialysate Nembutal PENTOBARBITAL Paxil PAROXETINE Wellbutrin BUPROPION Hemopure Biopure Oxyglobin Femara Letrozole Letroz GBL Gamma Butyrolactone Aromasin Exemestane Halotestin Halotestex Stenox Fluoxymesterone Lotrel Amplodipine Benazepril 4-AD 4-Androstenediol seconal secobarbital Adrafinil Olmifon Erimin nimetazepam paracetamol acetaminophen Amoxillin amoksisilin amphetamine benzedrine dextroamphetamine dexedrine methamphetamine methedrine dextrostat desoxyn ionamin OxyIr Percolone Roxicet ethex mallinckrodt medical roxane laboratories purdue pharma a-a spectrum healthcare medisca injectable ATP Adenosine Triphosphate oxydose lorazepam ativan benzodiazepine dilaudid hp Hydromorphone HCL naloxone eposino botox saw palmetto tridenosen turkesterone mesobolin cortesten thiomucase bolden 200 global anabolic duromine dihydrocodeine panlor-dc DMT N,N-Dimethyltryptamine mesotherapy MD1T hormone powder Perforin Pore Forming Protein depatrone Alpha Cobratoxin tylenol codeine limovan Arsenic Trioxide Arsenic Oxide Arsenious Acid As2O3 actrapid adipra sanofi aventis methylone explosion vytorin Ezetimibe & Simvastatin Marinol Dronabinol sativex glotropin etc --- We ship worldwide. prices order shopping steroids shipping cycles For complete pricelist / ordering information, write your email to me to NKRISTAN@INDO.NET.ID

the truth about sports and bodybuilding


500 years ago, mankind believe the earth was flat. Just because it?s a mainstream (believing steroids was bad), it doesn?t always make it right.

The main objective of all the Professional Bodybuilding Organizations is to make a profit. How is this done you ask? Easy. The unobtainable goal. The unobtainable goal is a goal that will never be reached and in this case it's massive freaky size. Oh you can make great gains in muscle mass but you will never be Dorian Yates. This is how it works. First you must know that the profit motivated Professional Bodybuilding Organizations run all the major contests (AKA Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia), own all major bodybuilding publications, has a hand in the monstrous market of supplements, and all the top bodybuilders are contracted (anotherwards they are paid). The bodybuilders are juiced, they use more steroids and more pharmaceuticals than most small hospitals. So, the amateur bodybuilder watches the contests, buys all the magazines, follows all the workouts, spends a small fortune on supplements, and still makes only modest gains. The unassuming bodybuilder thinks something's wrong but believe me there's not. You CAN get big just not freaky like Dorian Yates or Ronnie Coleman. That way Professional Bodybuilding has everyone chasing the unobtainable goal as the Franchise sits on a big pile of cold hard cash.

The first non medical use of steroids was during World War II. Nazi doctors gave steroids to their soldiers in an attempt to make them more aggressive. The Soviet Union then decided to give steroids to their athletes. Once the U.S. learned the Soviet's secret, they also began giving steroids to their athletes, starting in the 1950's (Ribadeneira 3-9).

First time bodybuilding?s world met anabolic steroids in the 1960s (called by some the ?Dianabol decade?), make anyone, not just those who gifted with good genetic only, could become muscular and cut if they took enough steroids. Those who lacked the natural inclination to muscularity and the personal resolve to use steroids to increase their muscularity fell by the wayside. Those who used steroids were rewarded with major bodybuilding titles and the fame and fortune that went with them. That?s the true fact for today?s bodybuilding world. Those who choose not to use steroids won?t be able to win the overall major bodybuilding titles, and only able to find themselves at winning ?Most Muscular? or ?Best Bodypart? or ?Natural Competition? awards. Let?s face the fact that today, bodybuilding went in a new direction to freakiness, especially when true genetic freak such as Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared on the scene. Today, physique was more regarded by the media than strength. Physique (bodybuilders) got more media coverage than strength (weightlifters).

Today, win at any cost became the battle cry of bodybuilders the world over. ?It matters not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game,? became a quaint out-of-time phrase. Being a good loser was no longer fashionable, and playing fairly by the ?gentleman?s code of conduct? was passe. Show me a good loser and I?ll show you a loser !!

Today, unlike 1960s, a myriad of new steroids had become readily available ? growth hormone, clenbuterol, thyroid, to name a few ? that enabled virtually anyone to become ripped. Why do people automatically assume that taking steroids puts someone at risk? Why do they think steroids were invented in the first place? It was to help sick people, especially those suffering from starvation and anemia, wasting diseases such as Crohn's and Colitis, and burn and accident victims. Steroids are great healers of injuries and they help people to recover from surgery and the trauma of accidents. AIDS victims are living greatly enhanced lifestyles, and are being made healthier. As usual, the bodybuilders are far ahead of their time. Bodybuilders have been - and always will be - pioneers in the use of supplements and drugs.

The point of steroids is you must eat huge amounts of protein and train like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the gym. If you don't, you'll receive no results from the steroids, except for maybe a lighter wallet, they are very expensive. The best thing steroids can do is to help those who use them to recover from their workout much faster than a natural bodybuilder.Natural bodybuilders need at least 48 hours of rest before they train again in order to continue increasing their muscle body mass, unlike steroid users who need just a few hours (Klaus). The non-steroid users should not train more than 3-4 times per week, and every time we train we should not spend more than 1 hour in the gym. People that use steroids can easily train 6 times per week, splitting their sessions in the morning and afternoon training, as well as, they are able to spend easily 2 hours in the gym, getting stronger and bigger, week after week (Shepley 5-6). If a natural bodybuilder did that they would end up over-training and not get any results.

Don't limit what you can accomplish. The most often used excuse for achieving inferior results is that one "does not use drugs." Never use being drug free as part of your criteria when deciding if a body part is, you needs work longer/harder, sometimes with less result. Steroids and other drugs definitely give users an advantage. Steroids will overcome your limitation of genetic makeup to enable you to get big, ripped, strong, or all of the above

Natural bodybuilding contests have gotten very little coverage in the major bodybuilding magazines. Every lifter dreams of gracing the pages of the major muscles magazines or even becoming a bodybuilding star. This is difficult for any bodybuilder, but especially tough for naturals because a lot of bodybuilders will do anything to accomplish this dream even if it means taking drugs. Money talk.

The use of steroids is becoming more popular by the day. It's not just with bodybuilding where they are being used. You can find them in practically every sport out there. Bodybuilders are just more open about it and don't hide their heads in the sand like all the other sports do. If you think all the home runs that are being hit today is because pitching is poor, think again.

Too many people training in the gyms today never discover what they are truly capable of achieving naturally. Those who have open minded though, they immediately start using drugs because they firmly know it is impossible to build a truly great physique without them.

Old 07-26-2008 | 04:55 AM
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Let me chime in...

In regards to supplements for weight loss there are only 2 things that work PERIOD. Xenical/Alli and MERIDIA. These pills were designed for people who are 300pounds up so they WORK. Alli takes the oil you eat and puts it directly to your intestine therefore your shitting pure oil. Meridia attacks current fat. My opinion, buy some meridia online. Im guessing you dont weigh more than 250 so the doctor wont prescribe it to you.

That hydroxycut your taking is a waste of time, you can get the same "results" taking in 10 cups of coffee.

Everyone here made good points, think of the body like thermodynamics. Just reduce the amount your eating, do some serious cardio, and buy some meridia. Do that and youll lose a ton of weight. Good luck
Old 07-27-2008 | 04:08 PM
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if you want to lose weight that bad, theres always meth

i used to wrestle and play football for my school, but broke my arm and just quit, been putting on mad "offseason" weight since
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