Tag: M5

SEMA 2012: This M5 Wagon Will Never be the Same

SEMA 2012: This M5 Wagon Will Never be the Same

This… Is probably the worst thing that’s ever happened to an E60 M5 wagon. Which is a shame, because not only are the wagons so uncommon, but they’re so classy. They’re like the ultimate sleeper. Well, that is until you thrown on this Fast and Furious wide-body from Extreme Dimensions. And then there’re the wheels. […] More »

By: | November 2, 2012

Tesla’s Model S and BMW’s M5 Drag Race

Tesla’s Model S and BMW’s M5 Drag Race

Make no mistake, both of these cars are fast. The M5 is famously so. When it comes to sport sedans it’s basically the standard for speed. That said, the common criticism of the M5 (and a lot of newer BMWs) is that they’ve lost their sporty edge in search of luxury. Case in point: the exhaust note. […] More »

By: | October 11, 2012

Stock M5 Clocked at 11.78 in the Quarter

Stock M5 Clocked at 11.78 in the Quarter

The new M5 has a lot of power. In fact, the truth is that it’s probably underated. That said, the fact that someone was able to roll up to a drag strip and lay down an 11.78 second quarter mile is insane. This isn’t just idle chatter on the internet either. The dude provided his […] More »

By: | September 20, 2012

G-Power Overwhelming: 830hp Hurricane RRS

G-Power Overwhelming: 830hp Hurricane RRS

What do you get when you slap twin-superchargers onto a V10 M5? Well, without a tune, you’ll probably end up with blown motor and rolling chassis. However, when you get the guys at G-Power to do it… You get something like the Hurricane RRS. G-Power isn’t exactly an underground tuner for BMWs. This machine is […] More »

By: | September 12, 2012

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