Quit Complaining About Safety Features and Marvel at the Crash This M4 Owner Survived

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First and foremost, thank the universe that Reddit user and the owner of this BMW M4, lewz4, is alive at all, let alone not seriously injured.

Apparently, lewz4 only had the car for just a week before this tragedy happened.

“Yesterday morning as I was driving home I noticed a few police cars with their sirens on and a police helicopter heading in my direction on the other side of the freeway,” he says in the post. “I was going around a bend and a second later I see headlights speeding towards me on my side of the road. I was in the left lane next the barrier, and all I could do was swerve closer and pray for the best. Boom. Everything goes to s**t.”

The results were catastrophic for the car, supernatural-like for the driver.


“I open my eyes and the whole interior is just a mess; airbags deployed, windshield shattered, and just bent metal everywhere,” he said. “If someone was in the passenger seat, they would’ve most definitely not been here right now… I’m very, VERY lucky to say that I got away with just minor injuries. As I climbed out of the car, I was just in total shock. My car was completely unrecognizable. I talked to the cops and they said it was a miracle I was still alive.”

The police told lewz4 that the person who hit him was a drunk 20-year-old who was going at least 75 mph. And yet the M4 driver was able to get out of the car on his own with only small injuries. Think about that the next time you’re shunning automakers for a little extra weight or a weird shape.

And please, please, please remember that it’s never worth it to drive drunk. Ask a friend, take an Uber or Lyft, spend the night. A little extra cash or a bit more effort to pick up your car the next day will never be too much to make sure you’re not putting yourself and hundreds of other people in danger.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Reddit]

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