Replace Your Tired Alf Posters with this BMW 2002 Wall Art

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Mike Billy-jbFARM BMW 2002 Wall Print Home

You may think you’re the coolest 30-something on the block with Alf and Punky Brewster posters on your apartment’s walls, but you’re delusional.

Here’s some replacement wall art that won’t scare people away the second they look inside your apartment. Frame and mount these charming BMW 2002 prints on your walls, and you’ll register significantly lower on the “creep-o meter”. What’s the cost of de-creepifying your apartment? Only $25. Here’s the buy link.

We’d suggest giving your old posters to an eight-year-old child living in 1988, but because time-travel technology is yet to go public, just throw out those 80s sitcom posters … NOW.

via [Jalopnik]

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