Four Stunning BMW M5s Head to Auction

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1987 BMW E28 M5

That famous Madonna scene from the BMW short film, The Hire, still conjures in my memory every time someone starts talking about the BMW M5. I don’t care that the E39 M5 has been out of production for a full two generations, the image still just sits there, waiting for someone to start talking about the car, which speaks not just to the awesomeness of the film, but to the brilliant nature of the BMW M5.

But the iconic nature of the BMW M5 transcends just the E39. The BMW M5 is one of those genesis cars. A car that sets a trend that the rest of the world’s automakers soon follow. It was really the start of the fast four-door sedan. And it’s a tradition that continues to this day. In fact, fast four-doors are so popular, that almost every single auto company now offers at least one iteration.

However, I’m not here to talk about all the other M5 wannabes, or even the new BMW M5. No, I’m here to show you four separate BMW M5s that are coming up for auction this Saturday at Classic Car Auctions. There’s an E28, an E34, an E39, and an E60 that are all from one collector. Not much is known about why the collector has decided to part ways with such a fine collection, but it does present everyone else with the opportunity of a lifetime to purchase these awesome vintage BMW M5s. So what do you think? Are you going to go rob a bank tonight?

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via [Classic Car Auctions]

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