“BMW School” Explains How to Be a Jerk, I Mean a BMW Driver

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This might be a risky post in a BMW forum, but screw it! I’m not afraid — okay, maybe I am, so please be gentle; I’m just relaying a video. Be mad at the guys at Car Throttle, they’re the real comedians chumps.

It’s no secret that BMW drivers don’t exactly have a great reputation on the road. Regardless of whether YOU are actually a nice person or not, the stereotype is that BMW drivers are big ol’ Jerky McJerk faces. But as the video portrays, that’s because they’re superior beings in every possible way, duh.

Here’s a breakdown of the very funny video below, if you’re more interested in one area over another:

Lesson 1 (1:25): Looking the Part
Lesson 2 (2:40): Speaking the Lingo
Lesson 3 (3:37): Keep Your Distance … Close
Lesson 4 (6:38): What Indicators?
Lesson 5 (8:38): How To Park
Lesson 6 (10:54): Knowing Your Enemy
Lesson 7 (11:37): Hand Placement

And remember, any BMW driver who gets in the way of your BMW is THE WORST. Scum of the earth… according to Car Throttle, of course. Not me.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Car Throttle]

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