Latest BMW TV Spot Shows True Dedication to the ‘Donut Life’

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In BMW M Town, coffee runs involve different kinds of donuts.

We all dream of a world where we can drive, well, the way we really want to. A world that doesn’t involve expensive traffic tickets or the ire of onlookers when we just want to have a little fun. And that world, apparently, exists. Kinda. It’s called BMW M Town, and it looks like our personal idea of a perfect utopia. A world where even your basic coffee run involves donuts that aren’t packed with sugar and food coloring.

Instead, those donuts are the kind that involve vaporizing your rear tires on the way to the coffee shop. Which, honestly, is a great caffeine substitute when you think about it. Nothing perks us up quicker than the smell of burning rubber and the exhilaration of a little drifting. Certainly not your average cup of Joe. But hey, if you need your crucial morning fix, you might as well get served while having a little fun.

BMW M Town

“Coffee to Drift” adds a fun little “spin” to your average, boring, patience-testing wait in a drive thru line, that’s for sure. And it makes an awful lot of sense to us. Instead of just checking your various social media accounts for the 13th time, why not have a little fun to pass the time? And maybe, just maybe, your triple soy latte deluxe will be ready before your rear tires reach the point of utter disrepair.

BMW M Town

If nothing else, the whole BMW M Town idea is a brilliant form of advertising. Even if we aren’t lucky enough to actually be able to live in such a place. Be sure and check out all of its little perks, become a citizen, and snag a passport by heading over here.

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