BMW: For the Love of God, Build This

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BMW CS Vintage Concept Home

This is the BMW CS Vintage Concept designed by David Obendorfer. Imagine if this guy were at the helm of BMW design during the maligned Bangle era? When the E60 5 Series came out, I hated it, but I must admit, it has aged pretty well. I just wonder how gorgeous it would have been if it were designed by Obendorfer. At any rate, BMW needs to have a segment in its lineup that pays tribute to its past designs. A production version of the CS Vintage Concept would be perfect to launch BMW’s retro segment.

BMW CS Vintage Concept Home 2

This BMW concept was buzzing around the Internet back in March. It’s November now, and it’s still not slated for production. I’m a bit miffed by that.

If BMW is smart, they’ll hire Obendorfer because after looking at this car for 0.16 seconds, I was sold … this guy knows how to design a car … a car I’d love to own. Further research on his website does nothing but make me want to own more cars.

BMW CS Vintage Concept Home 3

Obendorfer has a penchant for designing modern versions of European classics from the 60s and 70s. Inspired by the BMW 2000CS and the 1968 BMW E9 2800CS, Obendorfer’s CS Vintage Concept follows that mid-20th-century theme, resulting in a reinterpretation that is so gorgeous, staring at it for too long can cause accidents in the underpants. The same goes for the interior: an area where it can be tricky to mix retro with modern, but Obendorfer has done it with aplomb, and then some.

BMW CS Vintage Concept Interior

BMW, hire this guy, and then do whatever you have to do in order to get this car in production. This is the best-looking design study I’ve seen in a long time. You have your “i” range for electric/plug-in hybrid vehicles. Why not have a retro range? If you build it, they will come.

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