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bmwin14rsm 10-26-2004 07:17 AM

I know I shouldn't complain, since my industry requires a lot of driving, but I am fed up with the traffic in LA.

My new project is located 72 miles from my home and I can't seem to find a route faster than 1-1/2 hours. I leave at 5:30 every day and I am spending over 3 hours a day in the car. At least my company is understanding and knows that this is part of the job, and I have a company truck which they pay for the gas and maintance.

I guess now looking back at the situation, I should be grateful for the "Me" time I get every day.

Oh well, I guess it is life and I have to live with it. To bad my company won't pick up the cost for me to drive my 545i everyday.

530E60NL 10-26-2004 07:37 AM

That's a pitty.. I spend 3 hours a day in my car visiting various customers and I don't mind spending the time in my 530i.. but a company truck is different for sure..

kscarrol 10-26-2004 07:44 AM

Along similar lines, I love driving my car, as long as it is open road. It's when you get into rush hour traffic that I get frustrated. In bumper-to-bumper traffic, I don't care what I'm driving, I hate it. With two small kids, I'd rather spend that 3 hrs a day at home with them than commuting. That's one of the benefits of living in a smaller city like New Orleans, my daily commute is 10 minutes each way.

bmwin14rsm 10-26-2004 07:47 AM

My company truck is a 2001 Ford F150 with a rack on it. Really light in the rear and not a good truck in rain. With all the rain in LA the last two weeks the tail end really slips out when in stop and go traffic. I wouldn't mind the drive if I was able to drive and not stop and go.

CRRobert 10-26-2004 08:07 AM

I can understand. I spent about a month in LA, and early morning with no traffic, or my motorcycle/HOV lane/lane splitting would be about 15 minutes. In traffic with my truck, it took 55 minutes. :wacko:

PNice972 10-26-2004 02:33 PM

Wow, that does sound pretty bad but you all know we do what we gotta do. :)

alohalc 10-26-2004 09:24 PM

bmwin14rsm, have you talked to your company and asked what if you use your e60 as a company car? they keep the f150 but pay whatever they have to pay on the f150 and give that amount to you every month. this way you pay less on your car and will enjoy the 3 hours driving evey day :wow:.

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