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09-29-2012 until 02-05-2050
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Rudy's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
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My Ride: G30 M550i
Model Year: 2018
Forum Terms & Rules

Forum Terms & Rules
Please take a moment to review these rules detailed below. If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the registration, simply click the "Register" button below. To cancel this registration, simply hit the 'back' button on your browser.

Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.

The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately via PM or the Report Post function. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board. Posting an offer to share a subscription service that is limited to one user such as Carfax is prohibited.

Posting Rules
Before posting on please note the following rules:

Our forums are for members to discuss everything related to their cars. All are free to post here, provided you follow the general forum rules -- no spamming, no personal attacks, no offensive posts, and no commercial advertising (except by supporting vendors). These general rules can be found below.

Over the past we did not moderate too much and let the members have fun and sort things out by themselves. We would really like to keep it that way!

Therefore we want everyone posting on the forums to think about what you're going to post BEFORE you hit the "post" button.
Rethink your post, if it is in violation of our rules and/or if it might offend another member.
If so, don't post it!

When you post, please don't quote pics, unless REALLY needed, and don't quote more text than really necessary. When replying you can delete the parts that you don't NEED to quote!

Avatars/Signatures/Profile Pictures:
Make sure your avatar and signature are not violating the posting rules (they are shown on every POST, so the posting rules do apply!) and that your signature is NOT too big. Size does matter!

Take a look at the area on the left side of the screen where the member name, avatar, and other information is listed. The signature height should be no bigger than that height. In other words, if you post a one word (or one line) reply in a topic, the bottom of your signature should not be lower than the bottom of the "Location:" line. That would allow for a 600x100 pic and few lines of text to still fit. If no pic is used, then clearly, more lines of text can be used if needed. If you want to test your signature size, we have a test forum to do so, here.

Before asking questions too fast, the forum has a search function which, if properly used, returns many useful results.

Speaking about the search function, please give your topics a title which tells the story! A title like "Guess what happened to me" doesn't tell anything and the search function will not show the topic on the result list, unless you searched for one of those words!
And searching titles only is the best way to find what you're looking for!

And please post ONLY in the forum your post REALLY belongs to!
It is much easier for searches that way!!!


-Commercial advertising/vendors/sponsors:
The goal here is to teach, to learn, and to have fun discussing our 5 series with other enthusiasts. We do not want posts that do not contribute to this goal or are nothing more than advertisements from non-sponsors. Non-sponsors may not conduct business here, mention the name of their company, or place commercial links, banners, and/or advertisements in their signatures and/or profile. Posts/Threads in sections outside of the classified-vendor section with intent to sell products rather than provide technical information will be deleted. If you are interested in having said privileges, contact Internet Brands Advertising to be set up as a supporting vendor.

Please understand that we do want full participation from every member of this forum in order to share their experience and help each other, this includes vendors/sponsors.


Please limit bumps to 1 bump per thread every 3 days.

Vendors that don't want to violate the "illegal" concept of "minimum advertised price" are allowed to post "Price below MAP" instead.
But please post the MAP, so everyone knows what price range to expect!

As stated earlier, posting in the main forums is only allowed if you contribute to the discussion. It is not permitted to advertise your products, your website, company, or products outside of the vendor classified section.

If you are a supporting vendor and you want to show off your products we have a subforum for it, the vendors image gallery, here.

The spoken language of our forums is ENGLISH.

"Self-appointed Sheriffs" and "Post-whoring":
If you have a problem with something someone else posted, use the report function or send a PM to the Admins & Mods. We will look into the situation and try to solve the problem. You might not get an answer, but that doesn't mean we are not doing anything behind the scenes. We discuss a lot of things and we are deciding together! We even have our own forum to discuss everything related to the forum and the members, so that we are all on the same page and know what's going on!

-Post-whoring is something you really might want to rethink!
There is really no need to reply to every post and every topic here. This will only lead into a situation where other members are turned away, since they really don't want to see the same individual replying to every post. . And in the end, a high post count doesn't mean you're better than others. Quality counts, not quantity!!!

Post-whoring is not a direct violation of our rules, but you really need to think about the other members that hit the "view new posts" function and find hundreds of useless posts, wasting their time. Think and rethink before posting is the thing to do!

Flaming/Personal Attacks/Off Topic Posts & Comments
The administrators, super moderators, and moderators of have the right to edit/open/close/move/delete any thread or post. Decisions are subject to admin/super moderator/moderator discretion. Disputes and questions about decisions made by admins/super mods/mods should be discussed via PM with a Super Moderator or Admin.

Harassment or flaming of any kind will not be tolerated. Posts that incite arguments or flame wars, including name calling and/or picking fights etc. will be strictly moderated. Post of this nature or that contribute nothing but negativity can result in the immediate closing or deletion or editing of the post. Disregarding an admin's/a super moderator's/a moderator's admonishment/direction can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

A forum is a public meeting place for open discussion. "Open" does not include disrespectful comments about persons nor the license to say what one pleases. 'Discussion' happens here, i.e. consideration of questions in an informal debate. In the context of a forum, RULES are established for the common good so selfishness, incivility, and unaccountable opinion do not deter meaningful exchange and conversation. Taking a discussion needlessly off-topic will not be tolerated.

Flaming/Trolling will not be tolerated for any reason. Name-calling and personal attacks are not acceptable. "You are wrong" is not a personal attack; "You are an idiot" is. Admin/Super Moderator/Moderator judgment will apply on a case to case basis.

Please respect the rules and more important than that: Respect your fellow members!

The Administrators, Super Moderators and Moderators of thank you in advance for adhering to the forum rules.
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