Video Proof We Need Autonomous Cars

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bad driver

How? What? Why?!

How are you this bad of a driver? What are you doing? Why are you doing it? Stop! STOP!! SERIOUSLY STOP!!!

I’ll bet you a dollar that’s what runs through your head when you watch the video below of Calgary resident trying to maneuver out of a not-all-that-tricky parking lot.

It may be the Ultimate Driving Machine, but it’s still a machine that requires the driver’s input, and this driver is definitely not the ultimate anything.

One good thing about this driving travesty is it certainly helps my argument that autonomous cars will be a great thing for most of the driving populace.

Even a BMW can’t save you from being an idiot. I just can’t even figure out how this person can be that bad at driving such a nice car. Supposedly the total damage came out to around $5,000. Woof. Maybe back up cameras really do need to be installed in every car, although I’m not so sure that would have helped this person.

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via [YouTube]

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