The E46 330Ci Is the Best BMW When You’re Young and Broke

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BMW 330Ci

When you’re a young petrol head fresh out of college, it’s well known that you can’t afford that E46 M3 car of your dreams, especially with the loan sharks lurking over you. Unless you come from a really cool and wealthy family that will buy one for you, chances are most families will give you a hand-me-down car that you don’t want. The second option is to work hard and save up. But what if you’re one of the many out there who wants instant gratification? Well the answer is the E46 330Ci.

Being able to get the most out of your dollars is an important life skill, and I’m always a fan of getting the most bang for your buck. Alex Kersten from Car Throttle makes a great point in his review of the E46 330Ci below. It cost a fraction of the price of the M3, and has an inline 6 too. I took the liberty of looking up the costs of these cars on Craigslist and there are respectable specimens for well under $6k, unlike the E46 M3, which is still fetching about $14k+. Although the 330ci may not handle as well on the track as the M3, it is just as beautiful. But most importantly, it has a quaife differential. That means burnouts and skids. Which is really all you need, right?

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Via [Car Throttle]

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