BMW To Start iX5 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Production

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Fuel Cell
Fuel Cell a Real Solution Electricity Starved Anti-Gas Car California

Precisely a week ago, California ruled that sales of internal combustion engine cars will be banned by 2035. Two days later, the very same California’s utility grid operator petitioned residents to avoid charging their electric vehicles. ‘Because the power grid is under strain due to high demand and extreme temperatures’.

Join the dots and it is very soon clear that Houston… er, make that California, we have a problem!



California, We Have a Problem

To be fair, the state’s gas car ban clearly intends to promote ‘zero emissions’ car sales, not just EVs. Trouble is, just about every ‘zero’ emissions car out there right now just happens to be an electric vehicle. Which California, ahem, is already struggling to charge in a tiny fraction of the volumes it must incrementally do by 2035. See the conundrum? So do we.

Anyway, the car industry can see this picture as clearly as we can. BMW has already tossed its hat into the real zero emissions ring in an effort to make a difference. The Bavarian automaker Wednesday confirmed that it will soon commence in-house fuel cell production for use in its upcoming BMW iX5 Hydrogen.

Fuel Cell

Fuel Cells Utilise ‘Versatile’ Hydrogen

Four Cylinder (quaintly enough, that’s what they call BMW’s so-inspired downtown Munich HQ) suits also confirmed that BMW iX5 Hydrogen testing will kick off this year through a small fleet of hydrogen-powered SUVs. “As a versatile energy source, hydrogen has a key role to play on the road to climate neutrality,” BMW boss Oliver Zipse pointed out.

“Hydrogen will also gain substantially in importance as a form of personal mobility. “Hydrogen-powered vehicles are ideally placed to fit alongside EVs and complete the battery-electric electric mobility picture. “By commencing small-scale production of fuel cells today, we are demonstrating the technical maturity of this type of drive system and underscoring its future potential.”

Fuel Cell

Toyota Derived Fuel Cells

BMW will manufacture highly efficient fuel cell systems at its in-house competence center for hydrogen. BMW acquires individual fuel cells from Toyota. The inspected fuel cells are then compressed into a stack and sealed into a sand cast aluminium frame by a cast plastic and light-alloy pressure plate.

The pressure plate which delivers hydrogen and oxygen to the stack. Voltage and fuel cell chemical tests follow, before, the system’s compressor, anode and cathode, the high-voltage coolant pump and wiring harness are fitted. Toyota, by the by, has sold its fuel cell Mirai since 2014.


Latest Fuel Cell Half the Weight, Doubly Efficient

BMW has already begun developing a next generation fuel cell vehicle platform to underpin all form of future hydrogen powered zero emissions cars and SUVs. The focus for now however remains on first sales of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen.

“Many years of research and development have enabled us to get the very most out of hydrogen technology,” BMW development chief Frank Weber concludes. “We have more than doubled continuous output in the BMW iX5 Hydrogen’s second generation fuel cell while also drastically reducing its weight and size.”

Photos: BMW

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