BMW 3 Series Nearly Gets Annihilated by a Train

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BMW 3 Series on Train Tracks (Stupid Driver) Home

It appears the water mark of stupidity has reached a new high. Someone driving a BMW 3 Series decided to stop their car on tracks; you know, the things along which trains travel? That’s pretty stupid, right? But what’s really stupid is how the person driving the car stops in front of an approaching train and refrains from moving through the ultra-flexible rail gate until a helpful fellow motorist lifts the barrier so the BMW can move out of the way just seconds before a potential ass-smacking of a lifetime.

There should be a new word invented for that level of imbecility. In an age where people call 911 because their waffles are uncooked, the English language is starting to show its limitations for aptly describing doltish behavior.

Even if the person driving the F30 was attempting suicide, he/she could have at least made the attempt in a less desirable car. Go ahead and kill yourself, but please, for the love of all that is sacred, spare the BMW.

Via [Carscoops, Jalopnik]

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