More Frozen M3s Coming From BMW

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More Frozen M3s Coming From BMW
BMW is continuing this new found tradition of offering fancy, high maintenance paint on their sports cars with another batch of frozen M3s. They’ll cost about $15,000 dollars more than the regular M3, but they’re only making 150 of them. They’re rare so I guess that justifies the price… Kinda.

Here’s the thing. The M3 is a sports car. It’s supposed to be the kind of car that you’d take to the track and drive fast. Inevitably with that kind of driving, the car isĀ going to be covered with the carcasses of splattered insects quickly. And, since the paint can be ruined by things like bug guts and dirt, doesn’t that discourage hard driving? At best, it encourages obsessive cleaning. I don’t think that’s a good fit for a sports car.

All I’m saying is that while I think the special edition models look fine, the frozen paint would probably be a more reasonable choice on something like the 5 and 7 series. It just seems like a better fit. What do you think? Let us know below!

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