BMW Drifts M235i Self Connected Car Without a Driver

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bmw drift

Well folks, it has finally happened. Skynet is finally here, but rather than a group of machines hell bent on the destruction of all humans, this form of Skynet is just here to slay some tires.

Confused? So are we. This confusion stems from BMW’s newest ad for its Self Connected system. Here’s the premise: BMW has been cooking up an autonomous car for the last few years. Last year, we saw it run the Top Gear track without anyone in the driver’s seat. And while that is hugely impressive, it still needed a driver to first run the course to get an actual map of the track.

Now BMW is taking it up a notch and teaching it’s driverless car how to drift. Why you would want an autonomous car that knows how to drift is beyond us, but BMW thinks you do.

Watch as the company’s new M235i Self Connected car turns its own tires to smoke and competes against Formula D champion Dai Yoshihara in what the video’s description calls “the ultimate drift challenge.” We’ll let you be the judge of that, though.

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