Monday is for M: BMW M6 Meets the Stelvio Pass

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BMW M6 on Stelvio Pass

Completed in 1825, the Stelvio Pass with its 75 turns sitting 1½ to nearly two miles in altitude is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps. Many people believe the Stelvio Pass is one of the greatest driving roads on the planet. If you’re among the believers, you’re wrong: Stelvio is crowded with trucks, local commuters, bicyclists and more trucks. Close the road down like Top Gear did, and you have one of the world’s greatest driving roads, but if you are a common human being, Stelvio ain’t much of a destination.

Despite that, it’s still fun to watch The Smoking Tire’s Matt Farah run the $120,000 BMW M6 up the pass. In the video, you’ll also find out the M6 can beat a $240,000 Ferrari 458 to 180 mph, and on that statistic, the BMW M6 officially qualifies as a bargain.

via [The Smoking Tire]

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