BMW 535i Donuts

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BMW 535i Donuts Home

There’s a bit of a battle happening on our forums between members “K-A” and “phalen302“. They appear to be fighting over whether a BMW or Mercedes-Benz does a better burnout. K-A is representing the BMW camp. He posted the following video:


phalen302 countered with this Mercedes-Benz footage:


K-A‘s response:

“LOL, that’s a power brake; not a proper burnout (mash the gas and get the car wildly sideways). Sorry, try again. Do you know anything about cars? I said a 535i could do a burnout — simple, factual statement. Sorry if it struck some competitive complex.”

phalen302‘s response:

“Sir – you should roll back and look at the touting language in your posts. The title of the post “Here’s one for K-A” says it all. These forums are good sport. I used to like BMWs, but [the] new ones are disasters in my mind, and I driven many new BMWs; they lost their essence – [they] lost why [a] BMW was a BMW. They are becoming, [I] hate to say this, like Lexus …. It has been said all over by owners, magazines, blogs and yours truly, Phalen302.”


While the 5 Series may have won this battle, see how the bickering continues on MBWorld.

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