DTM Champion Ride Swap

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In a fun publicity stunt, BMW asked DTM champions Roberto Ravaglia and Bruno Spengler (1989 and 2012, respectively) to switch cars for a drive around the famed HockenheimRing. Spengler took control of Ravaglia’s 1989 BMW M3 and Ravaglia of Spengler’s 2012 M3. While Spengler enjoyed the lightness of the older M3, Ravaglia didn’t care much for the low seating position of the newer one, complaining that he couldn’t see the car’s corners well.

However, that didn’t stop the older champ from learning the new car quickly and passing with authority in the Sachs-kurve. The brief clip below shows the two making their way around the course, the younger driver getting a twenty-three second head start (one for each year) and discussing what they like– and what they don’t. Enjoy!

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