5Series Photo of the Week: Video Edition

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video of the week macau

Last Friday, I didn’t post a 5series picture of the week. A million apologies 5Series!

Tomorrow I’ll return with the regularly scheduled posting. In the mean time, here’s a video of the week. It also comes from the Macau Motorcycle GP.  I hope this video gives you a perspective of the race you haven’t seen before. Even without being at the circuit, it’s easy to see how fast and dangerous racing is, even on what is considered a “slow” corner. I can only hope this brings you closer to seeing the degree of difficulty it takes to ride the streets of Macau.  Can you spot the BMW bikes? Extra kudos if you can!  Turn up the sound and make sure HD is on and enjoy your video of the week 5series.

All times are GMT -8. The time now is 01:38 AM.